A Growing Future
for BC Wine

Uniting industry for a sustainable future

Cultivating a Thriving Future for the BC Wine Grape Industry

Our Vision: A prosperous, sustainable and diverse BC wine grape ecosystem that stewards (our) thriving agricultural lands for the success of future generations.

The Mission: Unite a collective of industry experts to create and leverage opportunities for a vibrant industry through strategic insights and investments in people, place and product.

Nurturing Vines,
Building Futures


We believe in the power of working together and creating opportunities to share knowledge, resources and expertise.


We value honesty and create open lines of communication regarding the WGITF purpose, progress and opportunities.


We act in the best interests of the BC wine grape industry and foster a culture of mutual respect.


We recognize the need to be able to embrace change and leverage new opportunities based on changing markets and environmental conditions to ensure enduring success.

The Economic Impact of BC Wine

BC’s wine industry generates billions, supports thousands of jobs, and drives local businesses. With ongoing growth and global recognition, it remains key to the province’s agriculture and tourism.

wine grape growers & producers
contributed to BC’s economy
dollars of tourism-related economic impact
jobs created

Creating a Flourishing Future,

Our Approach

Designed as an initial two-year initiative, the task force emphasizes broad industry input through workshops, focus groups, and consultations. This process ensures everyone feels ownership of the final plan, which will serve as a clear roadmap for sustainable growth and a unified path forward for BC’s wine grape industry.

Working Groups

Dedicated industry working groups will be established to develop both short- and long-term goals and deliverables for each category. Participation is open to everyone in the industry, ensuring diverse perspectives and a comprehensive representation of industry needs.